When I Lost My Sensation …

5There was a time when I wanted to be amongst relations

A time when I wanted to fly high in my desires and aspirations

A time when I wanted to induce reality out of fascinations

A time when I wanted every bud of my life to blossom into flowers of my imagination

A time when I was convinced that the deepest of my thoughts will soon come into realization

That soul of my feelings will soon get into personification

That the desires of my life will finally meet there resolution

That is the time when I lost my sensations

I lost my dream , aspiration and fascinations

Not because I could not sleep or dress up majestically anymore

But because I started losing myself right at the core

Am not sure what the reason was but I was sure surely in a position to explore no more

Things which used to please earlier , suddenly turned out dull with no shore

In a flick of time that bed of roses of my life lost its charm

Nothing to cherish was left behind with personifications silently leaving with though not much harm

But definitely the soul of my feelings lost its calm

Everything I was convinced in hand will soon get into realization

With the next blink of my eye turned into ashes , may be because I lost all my sensations !!!

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