Love : The Essence of Life …


Love …. A feeling which comes with multiple sensations , beating of heart , often tears in eyes while sometimes a twinkle in eyes and butterflies in stomach . But what is love ??? Is it worthy to spill all your life for your beloved or empower it make you be the loser always ???

And the answer is ‘ NO ’ . Obviously because being in love is the other form of a feeling which makes someone to be a part of your life . His/her likes and dislikes come into your consideration . His/her presence starts making difference to your life . But then again does it mean you got to be blindly obsessed about ??? Waiting all the day to have him/her close to you or to be more specific directly/indirectly trying to consume the ‘ space ’ like as we call so as to compel the person to be with you . But does that make any sense ??? I mean you the person , right ??? Then why is it so difficult to value his/her life interests , routine and choices just for the sake to prove that he/she is in love ???

I may sound harsh but that’s not love my dear that’s obsession . I mean how would you feel if someone tries to cage you like that , undoubtedly you’ll be suffocated . Same goes with your beloved . Let him/her feel your presence than to keep a record of meetings . Be yourself with him/her . Let him/her follow his/her dreams and passion .

And please for heaven in case of a girl don’t be jealous if she talks to some one else . I mean how kiddish it sounds that you couldn’t take it if she calls some one nice , good looking or good to talk to . Do you think she would have never met a good looking guy before committing to you or she is an easy to go girl ??? Definitely ‘ NO ’ . Surely she would have met many but there was something so very special about you that she fell in love with you and committed to be there till the end of life .

Same goes for the boys as well . If he says he’s busy , ladies respect that . Don’t be a cry baby all the time . I agree when it’s a first meeting or the phasing of knowing each other , we do invest time , be on call and messages and I do agree once we get over it , the frequency reduces but that never hints at being insecure or trusting the loyalty of your beloved . I mean come one , understand he too has a life to live , a life he has been living in a way much before meeting you . Above all some one loving you doesn’t obligates the person to change himself for you entirely .

Understanding , dear , its understanding , mutual trust , innocence and emotional bond which comprises love . Be there with your beloved everytime he/she needs you but don’t make yourself a slave to it . You love a person , that’s good , your blessed but making that beloved your heart is not good at all . Keep your brain with you . Be mature and sensible . Don’t just get carried away . Have patience . Let it grow with time and God forbid , if your beloved ever asks to leave , then please for heavens sake let him/her go . Don’t just keep brooding over it or ending up everything in your life .

Because you may not know what the reason is . So , please don’t be like unnecessarily apologizing for it , asking rather begging the person to stay . There’s no point in losing your self respect just to keep a person who may have aleady made up his/her mind . A healthy discussion is definitely a good thing to go for but in the other person is not even ready to listen to you then just let him/her go . I know under such a situation the question ‘ why ’ often does keep bothering unless you too wanted to end up . Trust the right answer will sure shot approach you at the right time but till then you got to over the trauma making yourself realize that if someone is not even cared to talk to you then definitely he/she is not worth your space of mind . Like as they say

One who comes back to you even after ifs and buts is someone you are ought to be with


if not then undoubtedly there’s someone else who deserves your love , affection and care

Go with the flow . Welcome the person who wants to enter , bid farewell to those who want to leave and stay with the one who makes your heart click . I know that may have make you think about better being single or never to fall in love . But trust me , love is never planned . You never know whom you meet the next door and how he/she becomes a part of your memories . My point is don’t lose yourself loving someone . Live your life .

If its meant to be it will happen and if not then nobody can make it happen

So its better to enjoy every moment being in love even if its one sided , about to over or meant forever . Taste the pain of not meeting each other for days , cherish the moment of being insecure/jealous above all make up once all the ups and downs are over because no matter how perfect you feel your life is in terms of marriage , business , profession , studies or at heart

Love is the essence of life

for being in love is one of the best ever feeling which gives us a sense of being ‘ complete ’ as a man/woman . The moments of love, companionship and togetherness delineats the contrast between the lives lived before and after the arrival of beloved . There is a famous poem by Edgar Allen Poe who witnessed many tragic deaths in his family including the death of his beloved young wife Virginia Clemm , on whom this poetry is believed to be written – Eulalie :


By : Edgar Allan Poe

I dwelt alone

In a world of moan,

And my soul was a stagnant tide,

Till the fair and gentle Eulalie became my blushing bride-

Till the yellow-haired young Eulalie became my smiling bride.

Ah, less- less bright

The stars of the night

Than the eyes of the radiant girl!

That the vapor can make

With the moon-tints of purple and pearl,

Can vie with the modest Eulalie’s most unregarded curl-

Can compare with the bright-eyed Eulalie’s most humble and careless


Now Doubt- now Pain

Come never again,

For her soul gives me sigh for sigh,

And all day long

Shines, bright and strong,

Astarte within the sky,

While ever to her dear Eulalie upturns her matron eye-

While ever to her young Eulalie upturns her violet eye.

Written from first person viewpoint, the poet depicts his sense of contentment, after getting freed from his gloomy, dreary life when he finds refuge in the beauty and modesty of a young woman named Eulalie, an eulogy of his wife Virginia. According to the poet, Eulalie is a woman who unleashes his ‘stagnant’ soul into a spring of love and happiness. He imagines Eulalie to be his bride, her being an epitome of bliss and sobriety. The sparkling eyes of the girl can make even the stars seems dull in front of them. Even an unkempt curl of Eulalie’s hair may appear as a potential threat to the pearl-white brightness and exotic violet shadow of the moon. The beauty of these celestial bodies is compared with one of her bashful curls. In the third stanza, the poet seems hopeful that the recurring emotions of doubt and pain would never inflict him in presence of Eulalie, as the vibe of her soul resonates with the heartbeat of the poet-lover. She shines brightly in the eternal space of the poet’s mind, whereas the poet compares her with Astarte, the moon goddess of love and fertility in ancient Middle-East, who often turns her supervisory eyes full of violet mist towards the beautiful Eulalie from space. ( Courtesy : )

So , no matter how worst or best your journey of love is , was or has been , always welcome it as a blessing because

God Himself is the messenger of love ,

synonym of affection and

the preacher of emotional bonding

But make it a point not to ever fall but rise in love , not to stop loving yourself first , letting it be the part  not the heart of life , not to get astray for it but to wait for the right time and right person so as to love being loved than feeling encased .

Stay good , happy and Blessed always !!!

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