Love : Heart Or Part of Life … ( Introduction )

16“ If taken critically , there’s no aspect of life which can be considered trivial or insignificant and if seen through the bird’s eye , none of its aspect seems to be good or bad enough to think about ”

A small town girl , Niharika , born in a middle class family , too had no idea how difficult or beautiful her life would be however it was through sequence of events of pain , sufferings , failures , tragedies and love that she realized how blessed her life was . It’s not an extra-ordinary story of experience that only a few would have been through .

“ Stumbling through the stones , falling down the road , getting bruises while standing but feeling content on reaching the destination is what makes this story a journey which can be very well connected with every other person around ”

This fiction inspired from real life is about being grateful if going through a rough phase and to hope for the best if going through bed of roses for its

Life : An Experience that everybody goes through !!!


Late evening , everybody tensed around in the hospital . First delivery and that too caesarian , how could anyone even think of them to stay pacified . So far mother’s  diet , health , medical check up and everything else was taken care of but then again it was ‘ the moment ’ . 4:46 pm and there came the nurse “ Congratulations Mr. Kapoor , it’s a baby girl ” . Mr. Kapoor was all overwhelmed , grateful to Almighty , speechless and above all happy .

Everybody known  – relatives , uncles , aunts , cousins , family friends were keen for the first look of the child while she was moving her cute , innocent eyes looked around with a perplex expression on her face , confusion in her mind , searching for her mother to hide herself and settle in peace away from all the attention .

Few days later , after her mother’s health stabilized and doctor’s confirmed the fitness of child , they were brought home with all the rituals. Soon after all the suggestions and rigorous consultations , the baby girl was named as Niharika Kapoor . For others it might be a naming ceremony but for Niharika it was definitely a time to take a sigh of relief for she could now make out if she was being called upon than guessing that she might or might not be called upon .

Niharika’s parents made many compromises ever since they married . While Niharika’s father wanted to be a zoologist instead of a government employee , Niharika’s mother wanted to be a teacher than a home-maker . However somewhere down the line a kind of frustration kept brewing between Niharika’s parents which gradually turned into heated arguments and accusations . Verbal attacks , sneaky comments and sometimes even worst scenario’s ending up at domestic violencesoon became a daily routine .

Amongst this was the little Nihairka silently sitting at a corner with tears in her eyes , listening to her parents getting into a restless marriage . She turned into a shy girl greatly disturbed emotionally , highly reserve and extremely hesitant to talk to anyone , sensitive enough that a teacher shouting at class used to make her tremble . She used to wear big glasses , hair neatly tied into plates and outfit too loose to say that she needed help realizing that she’s a girl and not a piece of rag blowed with a soul to be kept in a trash .

Every morning , Niharika used to wake up in a sudden shift while her mother used to prepare lunch for her and her father with her father getting ready for his work . Family friction used to keep haunting her all the day . Her mind was too young and tender to figure out how to take things happening at her home other than staying quiet , thinking about it all the way to school , in the class , recess and while coming back to home . Her thoughts used to be the visuals of what happened previous night and often the sight of how happy her classmates were discussing about their parents , family life and how loving and caring they were .

Although Niharika was a touch-me-not girl , she had a brilliant mind . As she grew up , she channelized herself to books – a medium which used to take her to a different world . Sometimes to world wars , constitution of India , latitudes and longitudes and sometimes to the literary world with Hindi , English , Punjabi writers expressing their feelings , vision , dreams and sometimes themselves .

This is how her school life went on . She completed 8th , 10th , 12th and finally graduation . She turned into a sharp minded student . No deny to the fact that in all those years she had been so much into thinking process that she could never realize how the years passed but she was glad they passed . Circumstances at home started  being at peace after her father got permanently posted and her mother realized that often one has to prioritize things in life than being stuck at something . Niharika could finally had a section of her thought process free of thinking about the friction intensifying between her parents . This was the time when her parents realized that their baby had turned into a girl . The day of convocation and she was occupied with a new thought “ what next ??? ” So far she knew she was to work hard , get good marks , be on time to school but “ now what ??? ” , which way should she go .

Days passed and she thought of working in a call centre . It was a good experience for her to be working , earning and saving but then who knew that it would bring a twist to her entire life . Her parents too were contented with how she was working hard and were expecting her to reach a new height . One fine day , sitting silently in the cafeteria having lunch , a guy approached , Rohan . “ hey gorgeous !!! sitting alone , how about a cup of coffee ” and she was in an aww , “ Gorgeous and me ??? ” Niharika asked herself . She smiled and headed for a coffee . Conversation started , personal details  got exchanged . It was time to leave , Rohan said “ good bye ”  and she waved . Working hours were over , time to go back home . She reached on time , had dinner , was to go to sleep but was still trying to find answer to her question “ gorgeous and me??? ”

As the days passed, the question didn’t bother her much , what all she used to wait was their meeting . After day’s work , it used to be so very refreshing . Talking and listening to Rohan’s never ending stories was like a cool breeze for her . They exchanged phone numbers . Late evening Rohan rang and it was as if she had won a nobel prize . They used to talk endlessly over the call . As days passed deep in her mind a vision of getting married to him starting weaving . She got so very bonded that she used to recognize him by voice , could tell how he must be feeling . Even his picture update on facebook was enough for her to know what was on his mind .


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