Love : Heart Or Part Of Life … ( Part I )

1She used to pray for his well-being all the day . Undoubtedly family responsibilities is what she was taking care of but then his thoughts used to mesmerize her making her forget about everything . She could see life from his perspective , all flowery and scented . One day he was talking about his future plans , sharing his schedule , conveying his aspiration for change and there she was “ Rohan , I love you ” . Everything got to a rest , Rohan was all mum , silence all around and it was after few seconds that she realized it was definitely something wrong with her . Few more seconds while she was just trying to bring the situation back to normal when he said “ I too love you ” and there they were , silence again .

For the first time , they were sitting all together silent , looking into each other’s eye , holding hands with nothing on mind but the heart was synchronizing it all . Their meetings never remained the same thereafter . They used to feel as if they were meant to complete each other . It was an eternal bliss . Loving , caressing , feeling being loved was like everything , nothing else required .

She started liking everything about him , just an year and it was as if she won’t be able to breath without him . Sitting together same cafeteria , both engrossed in each other was when Rohan said “ Niharika , marry me ” . For Niharika it was as if the only question she was waiting for . Blushing with eyes lowered , her lips murmured “ yes ” . Her dreams were coming true , it was positive vibes all around .

Next few days and Rohan’s father came for a meeting and she didn’t realize when she got emotionally bonded to him , the same was with him . She never found herself that comfortable as she was with him . She kept talking about Rohan while he listening with a smile to know how lucky his son is to find such a loving girl . It was time to leave and she felt like hugging him and insisting “ please don’t go , I’ve yet not spend enough of time with you ” . But Niharika was a big girl , she hugged him , was blessed by him and he said “ I wish this relationship goes to the next level ” . Niharika’s father too was excited about the new phase of her life , he talked to Rohan’s parents . Everything went so smooth as if that was exactly how it was suppose to be but her mother was the only person who was not in favour of this relationship , somewhere she didn’t find Rohan the right guy for her . Rohan’s mother too felt Niharika had completely different personality as compared to Rohan and her son was yet not mature enough to make out what’s good for him .

But Nihaika was so much involved in planning her future with Rohan , selecting the color of walls and curtains , learning to cook food of his choice that she certainly had no time thinking about such issues . Next day , she and Rohan were to meet as always , nothing special , it was just like their casual meeting . She went to the cafeteria dressed in the color which Rohan liked , her hair style which he was fond of . No deny that now she was all his being . She entered , saw the table where they used to sit always , in all spirit she walked upto him . She was just about to say  hi  to him when she found him talking to a girl looking quite beautiful , giggling and laughing with Rohan . Undoubtedly she loved his smile but some where down the line it hurt . By the time she approached him , the girl left and for Rohan it was as if nothing happened . He met casually but for Niharika it was as if her life was taking a new trun . While he was discussing about the weather , call rush at office , how gorgeous she was looking , Niharika asked “ who was she ??? ” . After a sudden pause , he replied “ she , well she’s  a new trainee at office , was asking about company and future aspects . Don’t think too much, take it easy , she’s just a good friend . ”

Niharika thought , may be he’s right and she’s just over-reacting . It will be good if she takes it normally . Next day she found him with the same girl , she joined them but her heart started sinking again . She couldn’t feel that easy as Rohan was . It was as if deep in her heart , a string was getting loose , as if thread by thread , the roll of feelings was getting pulled away . She could feel the change , could sense something strange but then as Rohan said “ don’t think too much , take it easy ”. Late evening she rang him up but the call was busy . For an hour , it went the same and he didn’t call back .

Next day , he didn’t talk about her missed calls or why was she calling . For him it was as if nothing happened . Then he shared “ Niharika , did you know Kamakshi , the new trainee , she called yesterday . She’s so good to talk . Very charming , cute and innocent . ” And she said “ yes , indeed ” with a smile on face and clarity in eyes . She could see the upcoming events . She met his father again , they both were silent as if he sensed what was she going through . It was time to leave and she said “ am sorry uncle , am really very sorry , am sorry ” . Rohan’s father held her hand , hugged her and said “ don’t worry my child ! everything will be good ” .

The moment she reached home , she was all in tears , crying her heart out . That was the moment when she wanted to get washed away with her tears . She didn’t realize when she slept . By the time she woke up , she could feel some light headedness and drowsiness , she couldn’t even make out what exactly happened . She checked her phone and it was few missed calls from Rohan . She thought she should talk to him , also she didn’t want to lose him , quite possible that she misunderstood the scenario and it might be out of her possessiveness for him which took her aback . She found herself such a stupid girl that her man has been continuously telling her there’s nothing to think about , to take it easy but she kept dubting . This refreshed her mind , she washed her face , felt a little better and called Rohan .

“ Hi ! Rohan , am sorry , I couldn’t attend your calls actually I was a ‘lil upset . Anything special ? ” and he replied on top of his voice “ what the hell you think of yourself . I have always loved you , thought of marrying you , made you meet my parents and this is what you did . Disgusting !!! ” Niharika was stunned , her senses stopped working . He continued “ ever since papa has come back home , he is so very upset , not talking to anyone . What the hell you talked to him . Look I love my father , its better we end up everything . There is no point in taking it further ” and he disconnected the call .

Niharika was in such a shock , she couldn’t make out what happened all of a sudden . Her mind was in such a rush that she couldn’t even think nor could feel anything . She lost her senses and after a while she was all silent , she closed her eyes and went to sleep . Deep in her mind , incidents starting getting flashbacked right from her birth till the time she met Rohan . This made her wake up , she could feel the weakness , she was not able to get off her bed , her head was as if overloaded with thoughts . She felt as if she lost her physical senses with only soul alive .

Somehow she gathered the strength and the spirit of not losing herself so easily . She took up the phone and rang Rohan , he disconnected the call. She rang again and he did the same . Third time and he let it ring . She messaged “ please , atleast talk to me , please listen to me . I seriously didn’t do anything which could hurt your father . Atleast talk to me , I deeply apologize if any such thing happened . Please am sorry . Please talk to me , for once atleast listen to me , please ” . And there was no reply . It was a week now that she tried calling him , messaging him . She just wanted to know what exactly happened , what was she going through and what could have probably happened but there was no reply .

Then after a week , he picked up the call , she said “ Rohan ! am genuinely very sorry if anything depressing happened because of me . I never meant ever to hurt any of your family members . Please, atleast allow me to clarify , I agree I was going through some misunderstandings but I didn’t mean to upset anyone especially your father for that reason . Please listen to me ” and he replied “ Niharka , I am engaged now ” . Niharka was all silent . She didn’t know what to say rather there was not anything to say . She gathered herself and said “ heartiest congratulations dear , wishing you a very happy and blessed married life ” and he hung up the phone .


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