Love : Heart Or Part Of Life ….. ( Conclusion )

19Niharika’s parents got worried . They took her to a psychiatrist . She didn’t even know what to tell the doctor . She lost her sensation . Her medication started , her parents didn’t know what to discuss with her . Gradually she recovered from her depression . She realized she had a

Life to live ,

future to build ,

present to plan


past to forget

She never did wrong to anyone , she did what she find good for herself and for others .  And in such a case giving up will be a sheer act of stupidity . With such thoughts almost dead spirit in her started getting life as if a dry plant in desert getting sprinkled with rain drops . She wanted to live again , she wanted to breathe , she wanted to read books again , write her thoughts again , above all she wanted to be in love again . Yes , she wanted to love and be loved again but this time she didn’t want to fall but

Rise in love

Now the question was , professionally , financially emotionally she had nothing in hand then where should she start from . She was at a scratch . This time the move had to be the

Implementation of lessons learnt from past mistakes

However she didn’t find it good to call them mistakes because she didn’t make any . Its just that a girl in her weaved some dreams which didn’t come true but that doesn’t mean that she should punish herself for that or the life ends here . It was normal , obvious for her age . Like as they say

“ If things didn’t go your way ,

that means it was never meant to be .

It was just to lead you to the way to shape you

into what you are suppose to be ”

 The first thing she did was to start searching for a job but this time not an urban area full of crowd is what she was thinking of but a place of peace and serenity is what she looking for . Fortunately she got a job in a boarding school in Shimla as an English teacher . Once again she packed her bags without knowing that it would again bring a change in her life but this time for the good .

She was offered senior classes to teach . The entire staff co-operated . It helped her to channelize her ideas while being creative , resourceful and above all serene . She was loving her work . She developed her lost confidence rather she was never that much confident ever before . This made her introspect herself and her potential . Work , assignnemnts , classes kept her mind occupied . However the question ‘ why me ’ was something she still used to brood over on and off .

It was Sunday . Niharika was all busy taking rest and there was a call from an unkown number . She said hello and there was a reply “ Hi Niharika ! How you doing ??? Long time ” . Niharika was all confused who could he be , before she asked , he said “ Niharika , its Ronit ” . Niharika was all in a blossom with a sweet smile on her face .

She said “ O’ hi Ronit , am good . I thought we would never be in talking terms ever ” .

Ronit replied “ me too Niharika , I thought you had some attitude problem but I was wrong . I tried getting into a relationship with the girl you found me talking to that day in the cafeteria . I too started building expectations with time and realized how disheartening it is when some one is making an effort to get the things good , finalizing meetings while the other person is not bothered about it . I tried explaining everything to her but then again a person understands only when he/she tends to else its all just a waste of time . Never mind its all over now . You tell hows life going ??? Working / studying ??? Will it be comfortable for you to meet someday , I know how the things had been and if you would say no , I can understand .

Hello ! Niharika are you there ??? ”

Niharika broke her silence and said “ Ronit , I never said I won’t or don’t want to meet you . Lets catch up next Sunday . Also let the bygones be the bygones . We are back in talking terms and that’s what matters ” .

After hanging up the call it was all a different feeling Niharika was going through . She realized how far Almighty has favoured her at every step  . HE was there when her heart broke , HE was finding a way  when she was confused and HE was holding her hand when her spirit was leaving her soul . She realized that if she was there at that moment it was not merely because of her efforts or will power but because of the blessings of Almighty .

She met Ronit on the day and time decided . They were so very comfortable as if nothing happened . While she was back home every incident of the past made sense , every bruise was a remedy and every pain was happiness in disguise . Nothing changed , she was still Niharika , born in a middle class family gone through a phase of hardship with an uncertain though planned future but still it seem to be revolutionized  . Niharika’s question of

Why me turned into try me

because of the content in her heart and clarity in mind that it all happened  to introduce the girl in her with the woman to be introduced for which the credit goes to the mature lady shaping her being who finally concluded that everything happens for a reason and the reason is always good for its

Life : An Experience That Everybody Goes through !!!

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