Thank You …. The Liebster Award

My first Blog Award : The Liebster Award ❤

Liebster award 2

Though every piece of my writing is equally dear to me however this one is special . I am pleased to inform that has won its first Blog award ‘ The Liebster Award ’ which goes for the new newbies in blogging . It starts as a chain where a fellow blogger awarded the same furthers it to the next eleven blogs of his/her choice , preferably sharing the same niche , coupled with few questions so as to get aquainted and the authority to continue the chain .

I am extremely delighted to introduce Vivek at who considered my blog for nominations and the award . Though he denies being a literary frantic , I find a true author in him all set to mesmerize people with his imaginative writings . His write up ‘ The Promise ’ ( ) is food for soul beating in true love , sweet and simple yet elegant . Looking forward for his first book based on fiction ‘ Blissful Winter Of Eden ’ . All the Best Vivek , you are gonna rock 🙂

Moving on to the questionnaire listed by him , I hope they are answered the best :

  •  Why did you choose to blog ?

Well , I have been fond of writing since early days and honestly I never ever thought of sharing it except with few . The entire credit for me blogging goes to my Professor , Prof. B.K. Ghai , who has been continuously motivating and inspiring me to start taking it seriously .

  •  Do you take blogging as a profession or a passion ?

Hmmm … Though passion primarily however I would love to take it to professional level as well .

  •  What’s you favorite food and why ?

Bread rolls is my favorite because that’s the only dish I can cook well and that too was taught by a friend of mine , Gunjan Sharma . Else home made food , let it be any , is what I like the best because that’s the only one hard to find no matter where you go .

  •  Besides your own niche, what other topics interests you ?

Hmmm …. Besides my own niche – politics , economics , social service , page 3  , psychology , business , art and craft and recycling of waste materials is what interests me .

  •  If you had $1 million, how would you spend it?

That’s a difficult question . I would prefer setting up a multinational company in India so as to generate employment opportunities with people having skills and expertise than just degrees . And would love to get co-ordinated with an NGO working for the welfare of society in terms of education and basic civic amenities .

  •  Let’s say you’re being attacked by zombie. Grab what’s on your right and what’s on your left. Answer whether it would be enough to save you and why ?

Well , I don’t think either would be enough because as far as I know myself my first reaction would be “ Is it actually a zombie ??? ” . If it would be friendly then will go for a chit chat else it will be me in chits while it been chatting .

  •  If you get a chance to take a tour around for free, name 4 places you would visit. And why?

Hmmmmm …. Paris for shopping , Malaysia for being truly Asia , Switzerland for its beauty and London for the beautiful evenings .

  •  Any life changing events ever occurred to you ?

Affirmatively standing for ‘ enough is enough ’ starting with few emotionally manipulating friends is what I would say has been a life changing event for me making me prioritise my peace of mind than any kind of maniac dramas .

  •  Dog or cat, why ?

Dogs as I find them easy to take care of .

  •  Have you ever imagined you being the famous figure of the world ?

Yep … always ! Hoping to be remembered for my deeds and work while I shall be resting in peace .

So now comes the nomination part and taking the opportunity to pass it on to the upcoming bloggers . Guidelines for the nominees and hence the awardees are below :

Pen down a post :

  1. Sharing your experience getting ‘ The Liebster Award ’ and its importance for you .
  2. Answer the eleven questions asked by the person who nominated you .
  3. Frame eleven questions for your nominees .
  4. You may use the same questions in your post
  5. Do not forget to include the Liebster Award badge in the post .

Once done with the celebration :

  1. Nominate 5 -10 other bloggers to whom you want to award .
  2. Make sure to let them know they have been nominated by commenting on one of their posts , social media or personal message .
  3. Do not nominate the person who nominated you or who has been awarded earlier .
  4. Ensure the nominees have less than 200 followers and are new to blogging say 6 months – 1 year old .

Lastly, COPY these guidelines in your post for future reference .

Here goes my questions for the nominees :

  1. What is life for you ?
  2. What is the importance of optimism for you ?
  3. Three – five words that would describe you the best ?
  4. What inspires you for your niche ?
  5. What will be an ideal date for you ?
  6. Summarise your best post so far and share the link ?
  7. Where do you see yourself three-four years down the line ?
  8. Is blogging passion or profession for you ?
  9. If feeling low , what cheers you up or what keeps you motivated and inspired ?
  10. What would you prefer : giving up or trying ? Why  ?
  11. Suggestions for my blog and write-ups ?

Will be looking forward for something really interesting to connect with 🙂



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