Life Of A Teacher …



Students in the class
Strolling up and here
Looking for a chance to skip the time
Making the teacher to put in efforts to make their mind align
Still the question arises
What did the teacher do???

Rushing through corridor
Thinking of lesson plans, tests, syllabus and adjustment scans
Held up to have a glass of water
In a moment students make it a zoo
And the question arises
What did the teacher do???

Explanation, demonstration, experimentation
All the -ation clubbed with paper pattern
Revision, learning, checking and the clatter
Many scoring good while some often lose
So once again the question arises
What did the teacher do???

After a day ends up
She reaches home, tired and exhausted
Looking for ‘ me ‘ time to enjoy the view
While grabbing that bite, God knows from where the question arises
What does the teacher do???

Ask a teacher while she tells you
I do the best I could do
Keep changing myself in every aspect I had to
Professionally, emotionally walk the ladder through
But most of the time keep answering the question when arises
What did the teacher do???

Be Grateful …


Be grateful for the shining sun

on your way,

Many have to crave for the moment of gay.

Be thankful for the pebbles on the road,

Some don’t even know which direction to board.

Be indebted for the fragrance around,

A few when realize, they are browned.

Be obliged for the windy dark clouds

Often, others scorch in the crowd.

Be appreciative to the wonders of life,

For you are blessed, one in many, away from strife.

Your living ,at times, may not be how you wanted it to be,

But can never be too worthless to miss the glee.

Behold the sunshine, twirling paths, rosy flowers and peace as you move on,

Else you would end up with ifs and buts regretting the dawn!

Take The Pride ….



Life can be harsh , can be mild too

Forcing you to twist , bend , break  or blew

Be grateful for the end result is a new you

Time can be testing , can be easy too

Pushing you to the limit you never knew

Be patient for you have been learning through

People can be deceiving , can be reliable too

Making you doubt , walk alone and no one to rescue

Feel Blessed as it got the best in you

Circumstances can be uncertain , can be predictable too

Compelling you to challenge your faith in value

Stay inspired as it takes you to a breathtaking view

Relationships can be a dispute , can be a resolution too

Driving you to give up in the course and bid adieu

Take the pride for you have survived it all

No matter how devastating it was

You dared to thrive and strided across

For you are not just a flare but an exuberant blaze

Ascending through years to be the gaze !!!

The Future Awaits You !!!



Let the memories of past

Rest in peace till you last

Let the sorrows of time

Fragment into pieces and dissolve in chime

Because the future awaits you


Let the worries of today

Other than reaching the mind , get astray

Let the struggle of everyday

Fail to bring you down, turning into gay

Because the future awaits you


Let the thoughts of upcoming events

Be a booster than enchantments

Let the bright shine of hope

Get the strings of action in rope

Because not only the future

But your future-self too awaits you !!!


Life Has A Semicolon ;


Yes , you read it right . Grammatically , semicolon is a punctuation mark which refers to a sentence which is supposed to be complete with a full stop however  the author doesn’t wish to end it there and hence adds a semicolon . That’s what exactly living is all about . We often feel , in a particular incident , “ this is it ,  am done ”  and God knows from where we get a prospect to add to it and we are like , “ Oh ! yes , why didn’t I think of it earlier ” .

All it demands is immense optimism and a spirit to keep going on , no matter how strong the full stop seems to be ; the everyday psychological exercise of putting your mind into happy thinking . And that’s not too difficult to inculcate . You simply got to train your mind into learning of what you want your future self to be

“ a worrier or a warrior ”

After all , we are given a life to make the best out of it than tattering it into pieces , at times because of  insecurities  , sometimes expectations and occasionally dependence .

Lost a friend ; bless the soul – rift with dear ones ; be calm ; discomfort at job ; take it easy ; people targeting at you ; sympathise and most importantly upset with your life ; smile because getting into depression will definitely not serve the purpose but smile will at least let you know how beautiful you look with those curves .

Undoubtedly many of our life incidents are pre-planned and at that time surrendering to Almighty gets you the peace of mind but that certainly does not mean to take it as an end ; why not to add a semicolon to it ??? Why not to be a fighter , challenge your potential , give in your 100% and last but not the least ‘ face it ’ ???


                             “ Be content with what you have

           But never stop to thrive for what you want ”


Have a nice day & nice time !

Asset Being A Woman …..

Happy Women's Day Status For Whatsapp 2016

Blessed with compassion and patience

Affection in addition to endurance

Yes , I am proud to be a woman

Showered with pampering and care

Celebration of birth is no rare

Yes , I am proud to be a woman

Privileged with education and sports

Respect with recognition on the course

Yes , I am proud to be a woman

Equality with man and no discrimination

Standing strong with firm determination

Yes , I am proud to be a woman

Acceptance by society for my ability and not just charm

Soul relaxed , sprinkled with goodness of nature and calm

Yes , I am proud to be a woman

Free to fly , soar high than confined to a hood

Future awaiting work , household and motherhood

Why shouldn’t I Cherish Being A Woman !


Yes ! I Am A Girl Child …..


When family members prayed for a boy

In womb silently I took turns in coy

Parents rushing temples to altar for a boy

I am a girl child , silently I whispered in coy

At my birth , celebrations suddenly came to halt

Smiles fade away , my eyes kept wondering what’s the fault

I looked here and there in an amaze

Oh ! a girl child , was why everybody gaze

Years later when I asked for school

Stitching , knitting , mopping , washing , cooking surrounded as whirlpool

‘Lil me yearned for brother’s book

You are a girl child , he said don’t care to look

It’s my wedding , my husband hurt , no matter how much I do

No dowry , poor arrangement , is what in my in-laws’ mind brew

Only a son to family , came as warning , can undo

With every word , I could feel the foetus turning blue

At the birth , celebrations again came to halt

Everybody finding my fault

But this time this was it , I raised my princess

Yes , she is a girl child , proudly I profess

She has the right , I claimed , to live , to laugh , to love

Get rid of taboos and you could see her as pure as dove

Today , in my old age when I see her flying , chasing dreams , blooming like a flower

I realize the ultimate aim of my life

To gratify my birth , my existence as a happy hour

Yes , I am a girl child not to be just a daughter , sister , wife or mother

But to rise to sunshine as a rainbow shower

 Yes , I am a girl child !

Letting It Go …


What happened yesterday was a history

What will happen tomorrow will remain a mystery

Then what’s the point being gloomy and low

How about letting it go

You and I remaining stuck to the past

Will be left with memories which too won’t last

Won’t it be good then with time to grow

With moments to glow

and letting it all go

What has happened was supposed to

What will happen is destined to

But how will it happen is you and I upto

By making a present of acceptance , faith ,

courage , confidence , rainbow

and above all by letting it go

So here am I expecting you to cheer up

Joining me in the journey of today

Leaving behind worry and anxiety of anyday

Taking the pledge to give the best ,

Feel the Blessed , reach the crest , fuel the zest

Because my Dear , there’s no point in being gloomy and low

Live fullest your life which is all about letting it go !!!