Life Has A Semicolon ;


Yes , you read it right . Grammatically , semicolon is a punctuation mark which refers to a sentence which is supposed to be complete with a full stop however  the author doesn’t wish to end it there and hence adds a semicolon . That’s what exactly living is all about . We often feel , in a particular incident , “ this is it ,  am done ”  and God knows from where we get a prospect to add to it and we are like , “ Oh ! yes , why didn’t I think of it earlier ” .

All it demands is immense optimism and a spirit to keep going on , no matter how strong the full stop seems to be ; the everyday psychological exercise of putting your mind into happy thinking . And that’s not too difficult to inculcate . You simply got to train your mind into learning of what you want your future self to be

“ a worrier or a warrior ”

After all , we are given a life to make the best out of it than tattering it into pieces , at times because of  insecurities  , sometimes expectations and occasionally dependence .

Lost a friend ; bless the soul – rift with dear ones ; be calm ; discomfort at job ; take it easy ; people targeting at you ; sympathise and most importantly upset with your life ; smile because getting into depression will definitely not serve the purpose but smile will at least let you know how beautiful you look with those curves .

Undoubtedly many of our life incidents are pre-planned and at that time surrendering to Almighty gets you the peace of mind but that certainly does not mean to take it as an end ; why not to add a semicolon to it ??? Why not to be a fighter , challenge your potential , give in your 100% and last but not the least ‘ face it ’ ???


                             “ Be content with what you have

           But never stop to thrive for what you want ”


Have a nice day & nice time !

Practical Suggestions for Passing Certification Exams …..

Credit for this article goes to one of my closest friends , Kaushlendr Partap ( CISSP-ISSAP | CISA | COBIT 5 | ISO 27001 LA | ISO 22301 LI ) , who managed to spare time to be my guest writer . Thank you so much Dear 🙂


As a teacher and mentor for exam preparation classes, I am often asked “What kind of questions will be asked and what do I need to know in order to pass the exam?” The individuals posing this question are excited to get started on the right path, and many of them purchase all available exam preparation books. Basically, they want to know how questions will be extracted from each domain within the body of knowledge.

Based on my experience Continue reading

Do It : Now Or Never ….



Hellos !!! Good to see you back . I was just going through a couple of articles regarding hair cuts and as always I got stuck with something out of the blue , something which unkowingly forms an integral part of our life – procrastination , in other words laziness and sometimes delaying for no reason . Did you ever realize how harmful it could be especially in terms of your psychological health ???

Lets say , you want to get a new hair cut and you are spending hours and days thinking should I or should I not , asking ‘n’ no of people , re-consulting yourself and what not . But the point is – was it required ??? In case you’ll get it done as you like with no ifs not buts then what ??? Do you think it will scrap away your salary , your friends , your family ??? Certainly not . So what’s the point of giving it such a deep and critical analysis ???

Understand the only difference it will bring to you is an increase in your serenity and happiness because you wanted to do it and you did it . A sense of accomplishment that yes you did it and that’s what exactly should matter to you . Your life is entirely your responsibility , how you shape it highly depends on your choice and proactiveness . Take a stand for your peace of mind . Trust me it won’t take more than twenty seconds of courage to do it else you may choose to sit back and see someone else doing the same with the only thing in mind “ I wish I would have done it ” or what’s common “ I was just about to do it ” .

Make your life simple not for the sake of it but also for your growth . Not taking up a task out of a fear of failure or not being appreciated won’t lead you anywhere other than ending up at “ I Wish ….. ” . Thinking of doing something crazy or funky , do it . Want to go for sky diving , go for it . Want to cook something , make me also taste ( kidding ) . All in all don’t wait for the right time because its not

“ the time suppose to be right


the right stand to be taken on time ”

Am sure you’ll agree , till the time you are not able to do something for yourself , you are not suppose to expect others doing anything for you . Above all you are a free bird , its just a matter of realization . You have been gifted the birth right to choose and follow your will . The only thing which can hamper your decisions is your self doubt .

Apart from critical thinking , self doubt , there’s one more thing which often cage many and that is the approval seeking behavior . In simple words it is the desire of being accepted and appreciated but then again the question arises , why do you need it ??? You are not here to please anyone . Everytime you think of doing something the only approval you got to seek is from your conscious and to analyse if that is going to be happy with your decision or not .

You have a liking for someone talk to that person , figure out if things can be taken ahead or not . If yes , its party time and if not bless him and move on . Atleast you tried your level best and believe me in either cases you’ll be a learner . Often such setbacks makes a person to realize his/her self-worth . But then again why to drag yourself to a point where you have no choice ??? Why not to make yourself strong enough of being you ??? Makes sense ????

No matter in which caste , creed or culture you are born , one thing will remain common and that’s the continuous learning process .

Every individual has a purpose to fulfill which requires experience and knowledge and when it comes to living nothing other than our mistakes , stupidities and decisions can substitute . We have this one life to follow our heart , to live on our conditions and above all to make it worth because

“ the only difference


ordinary and extra-ordinary


that little extra ”

Even after all these clarifications , if you feel its still good to work on advice by others , I would suggest to look around . You won’t find a single person  working on how you suggest . Why ??? Because they know what’s good for them . They may discuss it with you but would never go blindly after what you say and the chances are there they may not even discuss and would directly be informing you . And they are the ones you’ll always find in high spirits , tagged in funky pictures doing something totally crazing making you awww and the same old thought “ I wish …. ” .

And my point is why to keep wishing , why not to do it ??? Make up your memories than creating a record of others . Make it interesting for yourself . Before looking for a company to spend time with master the art of spending time with yourself , pleasing and above all loving yourself because at the end of everything

“ the only person

who requires

your care and concern

the most


you ”

So , what are you waiting for ??? Shake off the dust , challenge your yourself , let it realise who the real you is and what your vibrant potential is not for the approval of others but not to let yourself think ever “ I wish ….. ” . Grab a list , pen down all the spooky , goofy activities you would like to do , I won’t say before you die but before the year 2016 slips away like other years did because

“ No matter

how good or bad life treats you ,

it will go on


the time you take the command ”

Always remember you are given this one life to design , construct and re-construct . And for that matter the only tool required is the self-realization that its

                            “ Now


                                                         Never ”

Depression : A Hope ….


So …. had a break up , bad relationship , lost a job , couldn’t reach  where where wanted to , not happy with the present , people precisely family and friends not supporting etc , etc . Feeling upset , demotivated , not finding purpose of living , dead end in the front with no spirit of moving on , right . In other words going through depression but does that actually mean you no longer deserve to look forward or work for a better future and accepting it as a destiny ???

Certainly ‘ no ’ . I agree many incidents in life happen at the worst but for the best . Like as they say

 “ everything happens for a reason


the reason is always good ” .

 What we miss during such a phase is our far sightedness for a better tomorrow . We continuously keep banging on the closed door in vain when we are suppose to accept that its no longer meant to serve us .

Understand that a break up doesn’t mean there was something wrong at your part , you certainly did your best . It was the person who didn’t deserve your efforts and your concern . He/She is just not the right person for you to be with and that is the only reason that time and again things went upside down . I know the question does bother that if that person was not good for you then why the things started , why it appeared so perfect in the beginning ??? But then if such a thing would have not happened how would you have learnt to be what you are today . It was to make you strong enough to learn that your happiness is not dependent on the presence of some one , your breath is not because of the other person living . It’s you whose presence , happiness and smile matters . But then again , this doesn’t mean you stop giving your love life a chance because often

to realize the importance of the right person

you need to encounter the worst first .

Same goes with your professional life . If lost a job or don’t feel like being at the point where intended to be doesn’t mean you are not capable of . That simply reflects that something else is awaiting your attention or your missing something at the part of your action . You are continuously , day and night thinking of improving it but still the results are not upto your expectations doesn’t mean others are better than you . It simply means you are pushing yourself too hard . Take a break and analyse if you are happy with what you are doing or is it some kind of compulsion making you to continue . If not happy , then go for something which helps you to relax which doesn’t come as compulsion . Be versatile to accept what comes your way , take it as a learning experience . Don’t keep brooding over it than enjoying . Just let it be . That way the efforts invested in any  project will always be fruitful , even if the process is too slow you will make up . And you never know if this was where you were suppose to start with than ending up . Above all

The only key to peace of mind is

acceptance with no ifs no buts .

In that course of time if your friends and family is not supporting then also there’s no point in getting disheartened . I mean come ‘on , you are an individual gifted with the capability to survive without any life support system . People often don’t encourage you when you think of something which they either have ever dreamt of but could never fulfill or something which makes them feel inferior . At that time you need to be clear at mind that you are not here to convince any one of your actions .

You are here to help yourself ,

serve yourself


be yourself .

Others liking it or not is none of your business . Your job is to do good and believe in Karma . To keep it simple

Give your best


forget the rest .

In a nustshell , no matter how worst the things seem to be , its never the end of anything or everything , its just a hint of looking for something meant for your attention than spilling your energy upon something which is not to be taken care of any longer . Being upset is normal even getting at the verge of depression is also fine but giving up on yourself is what you need to rectify . Understand

Nothing happens to break you ,

its always to make you

what you are suppose to .

Take life as a mentor who wants to bring the best out of you , who takes you into a bad relationship to cherish the beauty of being with the right person , it takes you through failure to make you passionate to work on tactics to make it work , it makes you face the ignorance to let you know that you are a self-sufficient person who is good enough to be on own . Above all

it drips you into depression for a

new hope to grow !!!