Life Has A Semicolon ;


Yes , you read it right . Grammatically , semicolon is a punctuation mark which refers to a sentence which is supposed to be complete with a full stop however  the author doesn’t wish to end it there and hence adds a semicolon . That’s what exactly living is all about . We often feel , in a particular incident , “ this is it ,  am done ”  and God knows from where we get a prospect to add to it and we are like , “ Oh ! yes , why didn’t I think of it earlier ” .

All it demands is immense optimism and a spirit to keep going on , no matter how strong the full stop seems to be ; the everyday psychological exercise of putting your mind into happy thinking . And that’s not too difficult to inculcate . You simply got to train your mind into learning of what you want your future self to be

“ a worrier or a warrior ”

After all , we are given a life to make the best out of it than tattering it into pieces , at times because of  insecurities  , sometimes expectations and occasionally dependence .

Lost a friend ; bless the soul – rift with dear ones ; be calm ; discomfort at job ; take it easy ; people targeting at you ; sympathise and most importantly upset with your life ; smile because getting into depression will definitely not serve the purpose but smile will at least let you know how beautiful you look with those curves .

Undoubtedly many of our life incidents are pre-planned and at that time surrendering to Almighty gets you the peace of mind but that certainly does not mean to take it as an end ; why not to add a semicolon to it ??? Why not to be a fighter , challenge your potential , give in your 100% and last but not the least ‘ face it ’ ???


                             “ Be content with what you have

           But never stop to thrive for what you want ”


Have a nice day & nice time !