Letting It Go …


What happened yesterday was a history

What will happen tomorrow will remain a mystery

Then what’s the point being gloomy and low

How about letting it go

You and I remaining stuck to the past

Will be left with memories which too won’t last

Won’t it be good then with time to grow

With moments to glow

and letting it all go

What has happened was supposed to

What will happen is destined to

But how will it happen is you and I upto

By making a present of acceptance , faith ,

courage , confidence , rainbow

and above all by letting it go

So here am I expecting you to cheer up

Joining me in the journey of today

Leaving behind worry and anxiety of anyday

Taking the pledge to give the best ,

Feel the Blessed , reach the crest , fuel the zest

Because my Dear , there’s no point in being gloomy and low

Live fullest your life which is all about letting it go !!!